Testing Hooks
Testing hooks
Testing hooks is same as testing contracts. The template includes a test for the Counter hook, which you can find in test/Counter.t.sol
Here are some key points about the Counter hook test:
The hook extends from a couple of utilities that facilitate easier testing of hooks.
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Deployers} from "v4-core/test/utils/Deployers.sol";
contract CounterTest is Test, Deployers {
function, called before every test, creates a few test tokens, retrieves the hook address, and then initializes the pool with this hook address.function setup() public {
(currency0, currency1) = Deployers.deployMintAndApprove2Currencies();
// Deploy the hook to an address with the correct flags
uint160 flags = uint160(
(address hookAddress, bytes32 salt) =
HookMiner.find(address(this), flags, type(Counter).creationCode, abi.encode(address(manager)));
counter = new Counter{salt: salt}(IPoolManager(address(manager)));
}Pool is then initialized containing this hook
// Create the pool
key = PoolKey(currency0, currency1, 3000, 60, IHooks(counter));
poolId = key.toId();
initializeRouter.initialize(key, SQRT_RATIO_1_1, ZERO_BYTES);Hook tests utilize a router, namely
, to modify positions. PoolModifyPositionTest implements theILockCallback
interface and adds thelockAcquired
function, which in turn calls themanager.modifyPosition
function.PoolManager manager;
PoolModifyPositionTest modifyPositionRouter;
manager = new PoolManager(500000);
// Helpers for interacting with the pool
modifyPositionRouter = new PoolModifyPositionTest(IPoolManager(address(manager)));
modifyPositionRouter.modifyPosition(poolKey, IPoolManager.ModifyPositionParams(-120, 120, 10 ether), ZERO_BYTES);Similarly, for token swaps, the test uses
, which also implements theILockCallback
interface.Testing the hook closely resembles testing any other smart contract. The function
executes swaps and verifies if the counters are updated correctly.function testCounterHooks() public {
// positions were created in setup()
assertEq(counter.beforeAddLiquidityCount(poolId), 3);
assertEq(counter.beforeRemoveLiquidityCount(poolId), 0);
assertEq(counter.beforeSwapCount(poolId), 0);
assertEq(counter.afterSwapCount(poolId), 0);
// Perform a test swap //
bool zeroForOne = true;
int256 amountSpecified = 1e18;
BalanceDelta swapDelta = swap(key, zeroForOne, amountSpecified, ZERO_BYTES);
// ------------------- //
assertEq(int256(swapDelta.amount0()), amountSpecified);
assertEq(counter.beforeSwapCount(poolId), 1);
assertEq(counter.afterSwapCount(poolId), 1);
/// Test Helper
function swap(
PoolKey memory key,
bool zeroForOne,
int256 amountSpecified,
bytes memory hookData
) internal returns (BalanceDelta delta) {
IPoolManager.SwapParams memory params = IPoolManager.SwapParams({
zeroForOne: zeroForOne,
amountSpecified: amountSpecified,
sqrtPriceLimitX96: zeroForOne ? TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO + 1 : TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO - 1 // unlimited impact
PoolSwapTest.TestSettings memory testSettings =
PoolSwapTest.TestSettings({withdrawTokens: true, settleUsingTransfer: true, currencyAlreadySent: false});
delta = swapRouter.swap(key, params, testSettings, hookData);